
Analisis human capital terhadap penghasilan tenaga pengajar tetap pada Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya

ANALISIS human capital terhadap penghasilan tenaga pengajar tetap pada politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya

Purwati, Neneng Miskiyah
Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya
Jl. Srijaya Negara Bukit Besar, Palembang Sumatera Selatan 30139

Improving the quality of human resources and prepare for labor as the spearhead of production, is indispensable. Knowledge and skills gained from education, training, learning from experience, migration, and find a new job is the activity to increase the value of labor through human capital investments are expected to increase future earnings. Based on the background of the researchers conducted a study of teachers remain Polytechnic state of Sriwijaya to know the components of human capital (variable level of education, work experience, academic mobility, structural mobility, and hours of work affect the income of teachers and equipment) which has an important role in influencing the performance of power teachers. Entire population in this study and enrolled full time lecturer in the Department of Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Accounting, Business Administration, Information Management, English, and UP. MPK  Polytechnic State of Sriwijaya. There are two types of analysis techniques used, the descriptive analysis (percentage) and regression analysis. Data processed in the tabulation of the results of observations and then analyzed by multiple regression linear. The analysis showed that of the five variables used to see the effect of human capital on labor income tenured POLSRI indicates that the variable of academic mobility, structural mobility, and working hours were not significant, while the variables of education and work experience variables had a significant influence on labor     income tenured POLSRI.

Human Capital, Education, Work Experience, Income